Are you currently receiving treatment? Send me a note and we can talk about that may work best for you.
Are you a cancer survivor? Fantastic – you are one tough cookie! Want to reduce your risk of a recurrence? Nutrition can make a significant difference for you.
Have a family history of cancer and want to reduce your risk? Nutrition can help you, too.
Cancer is scary. One way to take some control is through your diet and lifestyle. Over the past few decades, science has shown it is possible to reduce your risk of developing cancer by eating certain types of foods.
Let’s be clear, this is not a magical cure. No super pills or secret remedies. Nutrition therapy works best in conjunction with regular treatment and is meant to supplement the tests and medications your physician has prescribed.
If you want to know what science has shown us really works to reduce your risk of cancer, I can teach you. It is what I love to do, and it works.