Hello all!
I just applied to be a Foot Soldier with the Army of Women, and can’t believe I haven’t brought this up before. The Army of Women is a grass-roots-type organization sponsored by Avon and headed by Dr. Susan Love, a top breast cancer expert.
The focus of the organization is to link people who want to help with breast cancer research with studies that are a good fit for them. Studies get done faster and easier, and treatments will be available sooner. We all win.
Here’s the deal: you can sign up with Army of Women, and you will be notified of all the studies they are sponsoring via email. If you are a good fit for any of them, you have the option to participate. There is no obligation, ever. All the studies are legitimate, and sponsored by qualified researchers. There is no obligation to purchase Avon products or receive their promotional materials, either.
Studies are available that include women who currently are being treated for breast cancer, breast cancer survivors, family members, and women with no cancer history. Some are limited to a specific geographic location, because participants need to be seen by the doctors conducting the study.
Currently I don’t qualify for any study except a database of women who at this point have not developed breast cancer. They will look at the differences between those that do and do not develop breast cancer throughout the study. I wish I could do more.
But maybe you can! Studies are being conducted all over the country, in fact there may be links to studies all over the world. You can discuss any potential participation with your doctor, and there is never an obligation to participate in a research study.
Regardless of your cancer history, sign up here to join the Army of Women and fight against breast cancer. It doesn’t hurt a bit.
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