Research shows 20-30% of American adults have Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NFLD). Yes, you read that correctly. One in four (maybe even 1 in 3) American adults has NFLD. When 5% or more of your liver is full of fat you have NFLD. Eating too much saturated fat (the kind that comes from animal products […]
New Snacks Taste Test, Part 1
School and football season have started, and that means snacks! Snacks are so appealing – they are tasty, fun, and take no work to prepare. I am always on the lookout for a snack that gives me all that without the excess fat, sugar and salt. A snack should make me feel better, not worse. […]
On Breakfast and Fasting
There was an interesting article in the New York Times on Tuesday (August 22, 2017) titled The Case for a Breakfast Feast by Roni Caryn Rabin. Its a good article, but like most nutrition articles it can be misleading if you just skim it. Articles like this are why so many people get frustrated with changing […]
Which new oils are best
You have some new choices in the oil aisle of the grocery store, and some of them are definitely better and healthier than others. The good news is that there are some delicious oils now available (forget that old vegetable oil!) and they are healthy too. Here’s the scoop: Avocado Oil This is the new […]
Arsenic in Rice
For several years now the FDA has known that levels of arsenic in rice are much higher than is healthy. They just don’t know what to do about it. Arsenic is a Class 1 Carcinogen, meaning it is a cancer promoter. Its on the same level as cigarette smoking, asbestos, and formaldehyde. Arsenic also contributes […]
How to Hit the Reset Button
The last two weeks have been like a vacation, although not a vacation. My 5 and 7 year old nephews (and their parents) have been visiting. If you want to remember what true exhaustion feels like take two super-smart kids to the California Science Center and the Natural History Museum on the same day. So […]