Suzie* came to me as a last resort. Her triglycerides (the fat cells traveling in her blood stream) were really high, she was pre-diabetic, and her doctor told her she had to lose weight or she would have to take medication. She was only 51 years old, and did not want to be on medication […]
Is Fruit Too High in Sugar?
Fruit is getting a bad rap and its time for it to stop. This tale going around about fruit being really high in sugar is a lie. Fruit tastes sweet, I get it. But most fruits actually have little effect on our blood sugar when we eat normal amounts of them. This “war on fruit” […]
Walk Away Diabetes
Results of a new study were recently released (June 20 Diabetes Care), with really good news. And with half of our population expected to develop diabetes during their lifetime, good news is great. Really great. These researchers followed a group of ver 1,800 people at high risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes for five years, […]