This technique for cooking vegetables will entice even the most veggie-hating people in your group to try them. Greeks know how to cook vegetables – we’ve been cooking from our home gardens for thousands of years. This technique works especially well for the Spring and early Summer veggies like green beans, zucchini, cauliflower, and summer squashes. […]
Loving Farro Salad
Farro Salad, the new love of my kitchen I want to share with you Never heard of it before? It’s a little like a panzanella bread salad, but swapping out the white bread and replacing it with farro, a whole grain that is high in protein and fiber and deliciousness. Really, this is so good and […]
Quickie Marinara
February is Heart Health Month, and its also stay-inside-where-its-warm month, so here’s a quick tip and recipe to make both better. Marinara, the darling of pasta sauces, is really easy to make, easy to double or triple the recipe, easy to freeze, and easy to make into lots of interesting dishes. Its also full of […]
Forget Resolutions, Just do This
The most impactful change you can make to your diet this year is to cut back on added sugars. I saw you roll your eyes. But its true, and I hope you’ll give it a try. The easiest way to start making this change is to take sugar out of breakfast. I know, its hard. […]
Walk Away Diabetes
Results of a new study were recently released (June 20 Diabetes Care), with really good news. And with half of our population expected to develop diabetes during their lifetime, good news is great. Really great. These researchers followed a group of ver 1,800 people at high risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes for five years, […]
Coloring in Soda Causes Cancer
Both Coca Cola and Pepsi are changing their formulas to avoid putting a “CANCER WARNING” label on their cans. It turns out the caramel coloring both sodas use contains ammonia sulfite, which produces a chemical called 4-methylimadazole (4-MEI) when processed – which has been shown to cause cancer in animals. In California, 29 micrograms per […]