I am usually grateful one of my husband’s favorite hobbies is growing new and interesting foods in our garden, like heirloom tomatoes and peppers. We found these great Italian eggplant seeds a few years ago, and the eggplants that grew were so cute, flavorful and delicious we couldn’t believe it. Last year we didn’t grow enough, […]
Sugar, Sugar
Last year the average American ate 156 pounds of refined sugars. Just think about 31 of those 5-pound bags of sugar you buy for baking, and imagine eating it. That’s a lot of sugar, Sugar. That 156 pound number doesn’t include the natural sugars found in foods like fruit and yogurt, which are fine. Its […]
Chicken Fat
About 30 years ago research linked eating red meat to heart disease. So, we all started eating a lot more chicken. In 1960 the average adult ate 28 pounds of chicken a year; in 2015 that number had climbed to 90 pounds. Yes, the average American adult eats 90 pounds of chicken a year. That’s […]
The #1 Thing
“So, what is the one thing someone like me, in their early 40s and getting high cholesterol, should do to change their diet and be healthier?” That was the question from a young father at a dinner party the other night. Its always the question when people find out that I am a nutritionist and […]
Bigger Brains and the Mediterranean Diet
A new study was published last week showing that older adults who ate a Mediterranean Diet had bigger brains, more grey matter, and less dementia than the adults who ate a more American-style diet. Their brains were functioning as if they were five years younger. All from eating one of the most delicious diets in the […]
Avocados that don’t turn brown and other Farmer’s Market finds
Did you know there are avocados that do not turn brown when you cut them? They are also as big as a baby’s head and full of buttery deliciousness. They are called Reed avocados and I’ve never seen them before. That is a salad serving bowl, and three avocados and a mango are overflowing the […]